L'actualité des sociétés qui disruptent l'industrie financière

Toward a new financial culture leads by the FinTechs' acceleration

Many FinTechers around the globe, but too much « very small entreprises » hidden by few « unicorns »  success stories (25 unicorns since 2000 around the world) in BigApple and somewhere else (investments in FinTechs jump from 3 billion in 2013 to 12 billion in 2014) ! There is a real need to create a support for the new financial industry, by allowing FinTechers to go next-level and transform the popcorn adventure into a deeper regenerating industry ! Stock Blast Pro

That means not only to create new knowledges, but a new disruptive business culture, cause FinTechers are the New Bankers ! And to accomplish this, we need original and authentic insightviews to provide both generic and specific key successfactors for entrepreneurs & investors, but not only !
FinTech Talents working in startups or digital banks have initialy an academic background in Tech or Business, and complete the other part by experience. We want here to fill the gap by providing a real mix of « Financial marketing and technologies » so as to wholly train the new bankers.

FinTech Investors are also deeply rebooted ! Firstly about the pivot they need to do, so as to stay a fullstack investor. Secondly to address in the right way the fintech investment markets. For this point, it is more about the good mix with « practice-visionary-disruption risk taking » to challenge the industry.

For these too actors of the value chain, entrepreneurs & investors, we launch, at, a modular Master Class, designs for early to top round startups, investor players & corporate projects : !
The train rail metaphore as FinTech development scheme for the next BigOne.

If fintech success growth each year, the happyfews proportion remains small. Transforming more adventures in success, that means finding original solutions to bridge the gap between theses two state of arts !
  • Is it a matter of fund raised ? It seems not at the begining, because the main asset at this step is the team !
  • Is it a matter of innovative concept ? The success is no more garanted by the concept, rather the way doing things...
  • Is it a matter of being in the right place ? Some ecosystems drive many expertises and cash, and the ROI is not here several times ago !
  • Is it a matter of the « quality » of the entrepreneur spirit ? Look at the number of incubators, is the answer here ?
For FinTechers, both entrepreneurs & investors, the answer is not easy ! If the world is flat and small among financial hotspots, the markets are so different that you can ask a customised question at each financial place if you want to go global ! And a first clued could be investing in your talent training & new channels for your investments hunting...
  • Best Practices deliver just in time, when you are at an earlystage step, before making wrong choices.
  • Connecting you just in time with the goodone, to make you accelerate, finding out investment opportunities and realize that you are just the game changers !

Who want to be : the next Unicorn or just proudly a New Banker, based on FinTech Services ?!
  • You want to be an unicorn, that means the new LendingClub, FundingCircle or Alibaba... hahaha my friend, very few places in the world...You can do it, if you can convice a large scope (from seed to bigone) investors to follow you among deserts and icebergs 80% of the adventure...That means, you would assume cash consuming to demonstrate to all your stackeholders that your vision could be transformed to a real jackpot !
  • Wouldn't it be better just to be a profitable new actor in financial tech services ? Creating quickly something really valuable is such an exploit that will take you all your time ! And there are a couple of new ways for banking.
Otherwise, if you want to be the next unicorn, think well if you are the good mix of Usain Bolt and a marathoner to stay and win the competition in longer ?

I'm convinced that peers to peers advices & pre-qualified opportunities for entrepreneurs & investors, delivered in an intensive format as MasterClass, are the very hotvaluable asset to accelerate the new bankers generation ! Theses elements are fundamental to make the difference and could lead your FinTech story studied in Business Schools !

Save the date december 3rd, Paris, for #1 FinTech Master Class, Invest & Partnership: , and register as investor/corporate participant or fintech candidate to present your startup opportunity (round 1 to upper) !
For any information, comment or suggestion :
To join « FinTech Entrepreneurs »  groups : LinkedIn and Meetup
Fabrice F. Seng:

Mardi 20 Octobre 2015

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