L'actualité des sociétés qui disruptent l'industrie financière

Banniere CAT

What’s Next for Fintech in the Americas?

What’s Next for Fintech in the Americas?
What trends do you see evolving in the Fintech space for 2015 ?

The Fintech sector has had a record year in 2014. In October alone, 76 companies received more than $1 Billion in new funding, and I believe that this trend will continue in 2015. The biggest impact of this is that the best-and-boldest engineers, innovators and investors are now entering the Fintech space, which will accelerate innovation and disruption to levels that we have not seen before. We have also seen the rise of a more demanding consumer that is looking for simpler, but more feature-rich solutions. These two trends will combine to force more useful solutions and drive increased disaggregation and automation of traditional banking and financial service models.

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Samedi 17 Janvier 2015

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